Sunday, March 22, 2009

Final Tests Are Back

We met with Rachel's oncologist last week to review the results of her latest testing. The results were good... her CT Scan to measure mass/tumors was negative and her PET Scan to measure metabolic activity or "glowing" in cells was nearly negative. It was clear in all of her lymph nodes and previously infected areas, but there was a small "glow" in her upper right lung. The tests showed no mass there and the doctors feel it is "residue" from her recent radiation treatments. They expect it to go away in a month or two and we'll test her again in August. So that was a pretty good result!!

Rachel has resumed her longer workouts and working at Girard Hospital and her stamina is increasing daily. The doctors were impressed that she is doing 45 minute workouts already. Also, her hair is coming back... it's kind of a "Sinead O'Connor" style now.. not quite ready to burn the wig... but getting close.

Again... our family cannot express our thanks enough for all the thoughts and prayers for Rachel. We will never be able to repay your kindness....

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