Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Update Monday December 8th

Rachel had a rough Sunday.... she was at her boyfriend's house and her resting heart rate hit 150.... she eventually calmed down, but her rate was still over 100 the rest of the day. On Monday, Jan called her oncologist and we are to take her to the emergency room should this ever happen again. Later on Monday, Rachel and Jan decided to take her to Girard Hospital when her heart rate reached about 125-130... She was examined and given IV Fluids... that brought her rate down to 80... she might have been dehydrated?? She has to continue to monitor her heart rate throughout the day.

It was also decided that she doesn't have to have any more Chemo treatments!!! So we decided to celebrate... Eric, Jan, Rachel, Tyler and I went to Olive Garden and had a great time...

We all made sure she drank LOTS of water.....

1 comment:

Bongo & Josie said...

Congrats, Rachel and family! Everyone at the station is cheering for you. Your attitude has been amazing and inspiring.
