Monday, October 27, 2008

Treatment #4 10-22-08

Rachel had her 4th treatment last Wednesday.... we're halfway through Phase I of her treatments. Had the normal reaction... pretty tired for a few days... then she starts to bounce back a bit. On Thursday she had another Neuprogen shot to boost her white blood cell count which had again gotten quite low. I think the shot does as much to make her tired and sore as anything else. Rachel also had a flu shot... all of the family has to do this now... Kelly and Jan have had theirs... Eric and I get ours this week.

We celebrated Rachels 20th birthday on Friday... she was  a bit down that day... but we went to El Charro for Mexican... her choice!  She perked up quite a bit... later some of her friends came by and they all had a fun evening. On Saturday, she didn't go to Hays to watch Tyler play at Ft. Hays.. she stayed home and rested. That night she went to a wedding reception for a couple of hours. Sunday she and Jan went to exchange a couple of birthday gifts in Joplin. She is resting more, but will be back to normal by Tuesday.....

All in all, she is really handling this like a pro.... upbeat, positive and an inspiration to all. Rachel also wanted me to say how much she appreciates the cards and motivational stuff many of you send her!!!

Update on Eric: Eric's MRI and CT scans were returned. Doctor said he does not need knee surgery... good news!  Also, his collar bone was broken in several places instead of one??? But, all the various pieces have reset themselves in the proper alignment... so no surgery needed there as well!!  He can return to work with limited duty now... full duty in 3 weeks.

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